Sunday, May 29, 2011

          Feedback information
Inta maalin aan kulannay semesterka 2 iyo toopicyada:
Waxaan kulannay 7 mar waxeyna u dhacday sida tan:

26th March
Cell Membrane by Bashi Ahmed
Physiological Homeostasis by Mohamed Guled

2nd April
The Muscles
Physiological function
Reflex arch
By: Hussein Mustafa

The heart; anatomy, physiology
By: Hassan Said

The Nerves
Action potential synapses
By: Abdullahi Mohamed Nur

9th April
Oral cavity, pharynx, esopahagus & stomach
Anatomy & main functions
By: Yusuf Axmed

Digestive system (upper part)
Physiology & pathology
By: Saleeban Ali & Faysal Faarax

16th April
Digestive system (lower part):
Small intestine, Large intestine and Appendix.
Anatomy & Main functions
By: C/fatax Warsame

Physiology & Clinical/Pathology
By: C/qaadir Maow

23rd April
No seminar---holiday

30th April
Respiratory system:
Anatomy and Main functions
By: Mohamud Hussein

Physiology and Clinical/Pathology
By: Hussein Mustafa

7th May
Anatomy, Main functions, Physiology
By: Mohamud Mohamed

By: Abdiwahid Alibeto

14th May
Anatomy, Main functions, Physiology
By: Cabbas Mohamed Nuur

By: Maslax Haaji Cumar

Semesterkaan sifiican ayuu noogu dhamaaday alxamdullah, waxaan uugu mahadcelineena dhamaan ardaydii presenteyshanka noo soo sameysay iyo intii ka soo qeybqaadatay seminaaradii sabtiga iyo barnaamijyadii kale ee ururka.
Sidoo kale waxaan uugu mahadcelineynaa dhamaan walaalaha ka qeybqaadatay qabanqaabada Symposiumka iyo soo dhaweynta martida maalintaas (21st May).
Waxaan kaloo u mahadcelineynaa martida sharafta leh oo nooga imaadeen magaaloynka kala duwan ee Romaania iyo dibada.
Kulaankii sabtiga (28th May) waxaan ka hadalnay waxaa ka mid ahaa:
1. Soo dhaweynta ardeyda cusub ee sanadka soo socdo.
2. Topicyada aanu qaadanleheen semesterka soo socdo in qofwalbo emailka groupka ama comments ahaan ku soo galiyo.
Waxaan dhamaantiin idiin rajeyneynaa intaxaanaadka in uu Alle idiin sahlo oona ka faaideysataan summer holideyga.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pictures from the Oradea Symposium on 21st may 2011......Enjoy!!!


Hope you have enjoyed the pictures!!!

We would like to thank all the brothers and sisters who took part in this Symposium. It was really a great pleasure to have you here in Oradea and for those who were not able to participate in this event due to unavoidable circumstances, we hope to see them around next time inshaAllah.

Thanks again and feel free to contact us.

Please post your comments below.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hey Guys, there are German profs who will be giving lecture at the University this week.

Here is the schedule & the topics:

Monday: Arrival of the Professors

Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00

09:00-10:00 Skin Tumours by Prof. Sattler
10:00-11:00 Breast Cancer Rx in Radiation Therapy by Prof.Pamela
11:00-12:00 Sexually Transmitted Diseases, STDs Prof. Blenk
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Anatomy, Diagnosis and therapy of the shoulder Disease I
Prof. Krückhans

15:00-15:30 Student presentation, 6th year

Basics in Surgery of Hand 1 prof.Progmeier
10:00-11:00 Transfix- double bundle prof. Schneider
11:00-12:00 Anatomy,Dx,Rx of shoulder deseasesII prof.Krückhans
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Demonstration of interesting clinical cases, Prof.Blenk
15:00-15:30 Student presentation, 6th year (NeuroSurgical cases)

Burn injury prof. Oellinger
10:00-11:00 Radiological Methods in Clinical Medicine
11:00-12:00 Endometriose prof. Schulte-Uebbing12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Radiologic approach to Arthritis, prof. Schedel
15:00-15:30 Student presentation

09:00-10:00 Ut
erus-Begnin and Malign deseases, prof. Klein Gunk
10:00-11:00 Urinary Bladder Cancer, prof. Schmitz-Dräger
11:00-12:00 Menopause- Adenopause,Modern hormonreplacement therapy
Prof. Klein Gunk
12:00-12:15 Student presentation

Enjoy it!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Date: 7th May 2011
Venue: Faculty of Medicine, M2
Time: 16.30 to 18.30

  Anatomy, Main functions, Physiology
          By: Mohamud Mohamed

         By:  Abdiwahid Alibeto


Saturday 14th May 2011
Venue: Faculty of Medicine, M2
Time: 16.30 to 18.30


  Anatomy, Main functions, Physiology
          By: Cabbas Mohamed Nuur

         By: Maslax Haaji Cumar

Please remember to prepare for the Seminar as usual.


Asalaamu Caleykum.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

 Information from Dr. Burta Ligia...

Letter of Intention

Attention all students of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy at Oradea interested in a football (soccer) tournament with an outstanding team formed by national celebrities!

At the proposal of Professor Victor Mihalcea to organize this spectacular tournament, I come to his support to form and organize the football (soccer) team!

We also want to organize a game of basketball, volleyball or handball for girls and not least a team of cheerleaders!

To register, please contact:
Raul Dulca - 2nd year Pharmacy student
- 0729.136.538

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Date: 30th April 2011
Venue: Faculty of Medicine, M2
Time: 16.30 to 18.30


1.  Anatomy and Main functions
     By: Mohamud Hussein

2. Physiology and Clinical/Pathology
    By: Hussein Mustafa


Saturday 7th May 2011
Venue: Faculty of Medicine, M2
Time: 16.30 to 18.30

  Anatomy, Main functions, Physiology & Clinical/Pathology
    By:  Abdiwahid Alibeto & Mohamud Mohamed

Please remember to prepare for the Seminar as usual.


Asalaamu Caleykum.