Saturday, March 26, 2011

Opening Meeting

Assalaamu caleykum walaalayaal,

These are the minutes of the meeting held on 19th March 2011 by Somali Medical students of Oradea.
Venue: Faculty of Medicine, Room M2
Time: 17.00

In attendance:
Mohamed Guled
Abdiwahid Alibeto
Hassan Said
Maslah Hajji
Mohamud Mohamed
Hussein Mustafa
Yusuf Guled
Mohamud Hussein
Bashi Ahmed
Abass Mohamed Nur
Abdullahi Mohamed Nur
Mohamed Mohamed Nur
Abdifatah Warsame

Absent with apology
Suleiman Ali
Feisal Bilawe
Abdiqadir Mao
Nasteho Osman
Harun Osman

AGENDA OF THE MEETING:  Election of the committee members.
(a) The meeting was convened at 17.00 by Br.Yusuf with a recitation of duaa.
(b) The members gave their views on the formulation of the committee and three proposals on the
      committee number was made: 3, 5 and 7.
(c) A five member committee was unanimously agreed upon and the following brothers have 
     been elected to serve as the committee members:
                1.Mohamed Guled (chairman)
                2.Abdullahi Mohamed Nur
                3.Yusuf Guled
                4.Hussein Mustafa
                5.Feisal Bilawe
(d) It was agreed that the above elected members shall serve as leaders till the end of next year after which a new election will be conducted.
(e) Everybody was given a chance to share their views, ideas, thoughts and suggestions. It was evident that 
every speakers emphasized on the need for an absolute commitment from all the members towards the success of this group and its activities. On the same note, as we all know Bro. Mohamed has been working very hard to get a room in the faculty. Alhamdulilah, we have been granted the room (M2) to conduct our activities. The room is available for us from 16.30 to 18.30 every saturday till the end of this semester.
However, Mohamed raised a concern and said that the availability of the room depends very much on our devotion since the Dean knows that we are a group of twenty students who are dedicated to learning activities such as discussions and presentations. It will be very shameful, embarasing and dishonour to our identity if he finds out that we are not serious as we purported to be and revoke his decision.
(f) The first years have been ask to be in the front line in running the affairs of the group and establish a solid foundation for the group so as to benefit all the current members as well as the future Somali students that will join this group.
(g) All the members should observe punctuality. 

Other subjects discussed include:
1. presentations:  
  • The committee will pick out some topics which will be open for discussion and anyone who wants to propose any other topic is welcomed to do so.
  • Respecting the brothers who are presenting by attending their presentations and benefiting from their knowledge.
  • For those who prefer Powerpoint presentations, there is a projector in the room hence it will beneficial to all.
  • There will be presentations on the religion (deen) and it was agreed that everyone will participate.
2. Football (kubadda cagta):
The committee was ask to organize the times and venues for friendly matches and tournaments.

(h)  Br.Yusuf closed the meeting be giving a brief talk and he emphasized on having Taqwa, putting our trust on Allah (s.w) as well as asking for His guidance.

(i)  The meeting adjourned at 18.20


  1. salaam! mashaAllah akhyaarta waa arrin loo baahnaay. Keep up the good work!

  2. lets keep rolling to that room at the Top!!! i can see the light at the end of the tunnel....
